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  • djellison
    Mar 22, 06:08 PM
    1. the netbook user experience is terrible. (come one, be honest... it is)

    I find my Samsung NC10 really very usefull indeed - I love using it. It's done all sorts of things no other machine could really do (like be powered off a car battery in the middle of a field with a USB capture card being fed by an IR camera that was pointing at a dog trap to try and find a lost dog, uploading images via 3G to the web and automatically emailing me when things changed in the F.O.V )

    2. proper keyboard? really? honestly, dude, we can debate this, but I guess it's a matter of opinion. Netbooks keyboards are too cramped up for me.

    It's a LOT better than any touchpad typing. a LOT LOT better. It's not as good as a full sized keyboard, but it's good enough for most of the things most people do most of the time.

    3. larger screen? maybe by an inch or so. past that, it's no longer a netbook, it's a laptop.

    It IS larger - and it includes a webcam as well. And a microphone. and isn't glossy.

    4. by the time you add a larger HDD, the price balloons to over $600/$700, no? at least that's what I've seen. at that point, you're out of the netbook price range and into laptops again.

    No - not really. 160Gb netbooks - <�300 - that's an order of magnitude more storage than the basic iPad - for less money. You could whack a 500gb drive in for �60/$100 and still be WELL under the price of the 32 Gig iPad (without 3G)

    5. they all use Windows i.e. What good is a Ferrari body with all the bells and whistles if the engine is from a Hyundai

    Oh god - car analogies. the OS on a netbook isn't as pretty as an iPad - but it can do a lot LOT more.

    Again, I guess it's a matter of opinion. I do acknowledge that you bring valid points, but it just seems like, at that point, you're talking about a laptop, not a netbook.

    I'm talking about my Samsung NC10 - a 10" netbook. Cheaper than a base spec iPad.

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  • Valentine Wallpaper

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 5, 09:20 AM
    Not surprised. Apple have created all this interest in the tablet market. For now they are top dog. They won't maintain whatever huge market share they have, but I'm sure they will remain top-dog for the next couple of years.

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  • Cinch
    Nov 2, 12:29 PM
    I don't see Apple getting more than 10% marketshare anytime soon unless they do something significant.

    I don't know anybody who has switched. I've known a few people who seriously considered it, but when they learned they'd have to spend another $200 for Windows XP so they can run their 'XP Only' things, they settled on a PC.

    I think Apple is more concern with building beautiful computers and fabulously looking music player than they are about selling large amount of PCs or mp3 players. Case in point, my office mate has a dell laptop and when we place our laptops next to one another (mine is a black MacBook) you can definitely tell. Personally, the reason why I brought the MacBook instead of a HP laptop that cost $500 less is because the HP laptop is ugly. It is simple. I don't care about the amazing video card that has a trillion bytes of RAM that I will never see. My MacBook works well (iLife, Safari and Office suite) and looks gorgeous!

    If Apple continues to create stylist electronic devices that are simple to use and help people do things easily, they will gain marketshare albeit not by much.


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  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 02:08 PM
    Just strolled past you guys at Stonebriar, I'm so jealous, wish I could get in line...

    Stop by say hello, 7&8 in line



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  • stock photo : Teddy bear

  • mdgm
    May 5, 07:05 PM
    You can put a SSD in (same instructions as for putting a HDD in). See iFixit's guide.

    There are different brands of SSD to choose from e.g. Intel, OWC, OCZ etc.

    You can't replace the CPU though.

    If you have the 2Ghz CPU then you have the early 09 Mini, not the late 09.

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  • teddy bear wallpaper. Love Teddy bear; Love Teddy bear

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 10:48 PM
    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.


    IDC: Windows dominates Linux in servers, not just the desktop
    Windows beats Linux when it comes to servers by well over a three-to-one margin, as it has for at least a year.

    IDC: Windows Server dominates server revenue for Q4 2010
    IDC reports Windows Server has increased its market share by revenue to 42.1%, , far ahead of its nearest rival, Unix, at 25.6% and Linux at 17%.
    IDC notes that Microsoft Windows server demand was positively impacted by the x86 server market refresh as hardware revenue increased 16.8% year over year.
    Windows servers generated Quarterly revenue of $6.3 billion for represented 42.1% of overall quarterly factory revenue from the shipment of 1.5 million servers, the highest quarterly total ever reported for Windows servers.

    Don't presume just because you have an "IT job in unix or whatever", that everyone else who doesn't work at your company is a computer idiot. Not that this has any impact on "IDC research" but I've actually worked with languages from PL/1 (that is...Programming Language One!) up to .NET. And I can tell you that most of these "Windows bashing / Linux conquest rhetorics" are only taken up by actual computer idiots who just follow one side of hype...or college kids (who at least don't know any better...yet). Go to a REAL computer forum like Ars Technica and see what they think of "enterprise Macs" there. ;)


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  • Teddy Bear#39;s Gift

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 08:34 PM
    Ordered from gamestop before 11 A.M. And got the beta key around 5:00...

    Guess what I'm gonna be doing tonight? Not getting my engineering from 443 to 450...:eek:

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  • Teddy Day - Cute Teddy#39;s

  • Thex1138
    May 16, 05:38 AM


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  • Beautiful Teddy Bear Christmas

  • davegregory
    Mar 29, 10:56 AM
    Poor OP...

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  • martinX
    Apr 4, 04:54 PM
    Three things come to mind.

    Does the material require rendering? You'd probably get a big UNRENDERED across your monitor if it did, but you never know.

    Does your sequence match the footage and is it compatible with your equipment? First thing I'd be doing is checking projects that worked previously. Then I'd shut everything down, power down the deck, have a coffee, and start up again.

    Could there be any NTSC/PAL issues? I'm in PAL land and if I try to play NTSC footage from FCP -> Sony DV CAM deck -> Panasonic Monitor I always have some sort of hassle.

    Popping the canvas in Wireframe mode (http://books.google.com.au/books?id=-Jlc5OJ44psC&pg=PA214&lpg=PA214&dq=fcp+view+image%2Bwireframe&source=bl&ots=6o-UOXmyWO&sig=kR1EkbQzPG3b-xIRhf8uAMT9iHM&hl=en&ei=wTqaTaqTOo6ycfax9JgH&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CDkQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q&f=false) can have this effect too. The 'w' key cycles through 'image', 'image + wireframe' and 'wireframe'. The last one shows just the wireframe in the canvas and only still images on the monitor.


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  • Teddy Bear Wallpapers

  • maynorsol
    Mar 13, 11:33 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mine threw a bucket of cold water on me this morning. I'll have to make an appt. at the Genius Bar.

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  • Download Cute teddy bear

    Oct 9, 10:03 PM
    I was watching AOTS (Attack of The Show) and they said in the next 5 years DVD sales will go down because of movies on demand on cable, and online. I think so too.


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  • Teddy Bear Wallpaper for

  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Apr 22, 10:33 PM
    I grew up on a pc and now I choose Mac because it's so much better in my opinion. Personally I'm not liberal and I'm not super conservative either. I odiously care about my appearance, and I'm not a vegetarian. I do like the Beatles though wherever that fits in. So I'm not anywhere near this statistic. Windows Is more complicated, but it would be fine if it wasn't slow, get viruses all the time, and when u click an app it doesn't take ten min to pop up (not to mention u get so frustrated u click it several time and then like 7 windows pop up). Personally this never happens to my Mac iknow my way a round both os's but I also own most apple products. I take care of the pc sitting in the basement my dad uses it for email when he is not on the iPad, so it doesn't get that much use but it slows down fast so we clean it out every year ( back what we need up and then wipe the thing). The pc is cheeper that is why most of the world uses them, there is a thiving computer repair business for a reason (not many for Mac). But whatever floats your boat I guess lol

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  • lmalave
    May 7, 04:13 PM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I was drawn to this forum because I am interested in computers generally and macs almost qualify.....but seriously I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows). Also I found that some things easily accessible in windows are not accessible at all in mac OSX. I felt like the computer was "dumbed down" for me. All in all it was a computer and pefectly capable internet machine, but at least in an hour nothing even came close to winning me ove. Oh yeah it also crashed once too.

    They're just different, but I don't see how you can say Windows is more intuitive than OS X. Minimizing and closing apps? OS X Windows have the same 3 freakin' buttons (minimize, maximize, close), but they're on the top left corner instead of the top right corner. Also, keyboard shortcuts are in general more intuitive and uniform on the Mac. For example, command-Q will quit your program. Closing a window doesn't actually quit the program, maybe that's what you're referring to?

    And as far as OS X being dumbed down. Hello? It's a Unix machine! I consider myself an alpha geek or close to it, and I have 10x more power on my Mac than on any Windows machine. It's Windows that's dumbed down. Everything's a black box. I can't even kill a program if it's hanging. I keep going to Task Manager and clicking "End Task" over and over and over and over and it just won't quit. What's up with that? On my iBook everything just works like it's supposed to to a much greater degree than on my PCs.

    As Rower asked, what exactly were you trying to find on the Mac that made you think it was "dumbed down"? It might be in a different place. You're just very used to the Windows interface. That doesn't mean the Mac is "dumbed down".


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  • centauratlas
    Aug 14, 12:43 PM
    I find it amazing he's never used a computer before doing the Mac ads. But he uses a Mac now, and that's all that counts. :)

    The funny thing is that on Leno last week (week of Aug 7) he said he didn't care what he used - I don't recall his exact quotation. He was somewhat amusing on there with stories about people coming up to him.

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  • Teddy Bear pictures, Teddy

  • papiti
    May 2, 01:44 PM
    You mean this was not the right tool?
    Image (http://cdn.pocket-lint.com/images/AkRf/white-iphone-4-thicker-black-0.jpg?20110429-125543)


    Dude, it is not about the tool, is about that White Phone you see in the picture, You see, that is NOT, and I repeat NOT a white iPhone, that is a fake white Phone. NOW, Do you get it? :cool:


    teddy bear wallpaper. Tags: teddy bear wallpaper,
  • Tags: teddy bear wallpaper,

  • satelshawn
    Mar 8, 08:59 AM
    Kingdonk, thanks a million for the screenshots. Any idea what version of Samba they have included? That has been a big headache for me with Snow Leopard ever since win7 came out. Cannot bind win7 to the domain because apple are running an old version of samba.

    If you could figure out the samba version that would be awesome, if it is still and old version then I am going to have to either move to Linux or buy a Windows server license for our win7 machines.

    teddy bear wallpaper. teddy bear wallpaper
  • teddy bear wallpaper

  • Electro Funk
    Sep 19, 09:03 PM
    You can't boot XP from CD on a Mac. You can't you can't you can't. The Mac boots using EFI, which XP doesn't support.

    You need to use Boot Camp to install it, as legacy BIOS emulation has to be loaded specifically for XP.

    if i am not mistaken the bios emulator (or whatever allows xp and the new vista build to boot from BIOS) is in the last firmware update 1.0 or 1.1, cant remeber the number... you dont need boot camp to install xp or vista, but you do need BC if you want an easy way to create a drivers disc for windows...

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  • LarryC
    Apr 26, 09:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    If you have a blank Mac because of a problem or HD upgrade, a network install image being sold outside the Mac App Store makes a lot more sense than Mac App Store distribution. OSes shouldn't be distributed in a store that requires an OS installation to even work.

    That is what the USB stick is for! No need to download from anywhere. Don't cherry pick what you want to see and leave out the other options.

    That's the point. You say it yourself, your machines still have DVD drives. What's the point of going to the more expensive USB drive option ? Again : CDs were cheaper than floppies to produce and were much quicker to mass produce. Going from optical to Flash memory is the opposite move, it makes the media both more expensive and much more complicated/long to duplicate in mass.

    Saying we need DVD Drives just because all the machines out there (still) have DVD drives is a poor argument - following that we still would have floppies. I don't want a DVD drive in my next machine. I would need it only for reinstalling the OS (which on MacOS I actually never had to do, but worst case it might be needed). Actually I won't have a DVD in my next machine since it will be the MBA. The future is here.

    And if you see the whole picture (distribution, shipping, storage, ...) I doubt that a read-only chip on a USB stick is much more expensive - and you save on all new machines the cost for the DVD drive and can use the space for better things. If it is so much more expensive, why does the cheapest Apple laptop come with a USB stick instead of DVD? Yes it might be a tiny bit more expensive.

    As an Air user with such a thumb drive let me tell you this : their design is pure crap and it is not quite as convenient as a real thumb drive. It also tends to get all scratched up when inserting it and removing it because it lacks the proper guides for the USB port.

    How often to you reinstall your OS that you keep inserting and removing it and scratching it all up? It should be a cheap stick (not good for anything else) that just sits 99.99999% of its time in the shelf. It's not that this is meant as a 'free Apple branded USB Stick' that you use all the time.

    I keep seeing where people are saying that the MacBook Air is apple's cheapest laptop. Isn't the MacBook cheaper? And no, the 11" 64GB Air does not count. That is not a real computer. That is an iPad with a keyboard.

    Apr 24, 12:50 AM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )


    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.

    This comparison is garbage. The reviewer took a 13" MBP 2011 with a 2.3 GHz i5, 4GB and 128GB SSD and compared it to a 11" MBA with 1.4 GHz, 2GB and 64GB SSD. I would have liked to see him put a 13" MBA with 2.1Ghz and 4GB. I don't think the differences would have been so dramatic.

    There is no way a decision to purchase a SB MBA should be influenced by such a lopsided comparison.

    Mar 6, 03:26 PM
    I noticed today that someone is already in line at the Knox Henderson store. They had a tent setup.

    Jun 10, 04:43 PM
    If T-mobile gets the iPhone maybe they will have better data plans than AT&T
    They already do. I've been on Tmo with my iPhone for 3 years now.

    Just unlock and go over. Or sit on your hands and wait for official.

    Apr 12, 08:08 PM
    I'd be in the category 'looking for a reason to buy one, but just can't see what I'd use it for'.

    Apr 7, 08:14 AM
    The Mac Guides are a great resource for the website, however I think the categories of articles on the site aren't particularly great which makes finding information difficult.

    I'd like to try and improve it, but part of the problem is the front page, which I can't edit and there should be a consensus on something that major.

    There a some categories that contain very little good content, for example the "Companies" category. There are some which are fairly meaningless like the "Guides" category. And there are some which seem a little wishy-washy like the "Digital Lifestyle" category, what should go in there? I think the following categories on the front page would be good.

    Main Categories

    Mac Hardware - Apples Mac hardware and related articles such as the ones for RAM and upgrades. Subcategories for laptops, desktops, and possibly individual models.
    Mac Software - Any software available for Mac OS X. Subcategories for Mac OS X, individual software titles and Programming.
    iTunes - Anything related to iTunes for Mac or Windows.
    iPod/Apple TV - Anything iPod or AppleTV (which is essentially an iPod that doesn't move :p) related.
    iPhone/iPod Touch - Anything iPhone, or iPod Touch related. Subcategories for jailbreaking and individual software titles.
    Gaming - The gaming articles are very popular (http://guides.macrumors.com/Special:Popularpages), and that Mac isn't always the best platform for gaming, so I think it should have its own category, including articles for connecting your console to your Mac. With subsections for iPod Game titles, Mac Game titles.
    Networking and Internet - Internet Related Articles. Subcategory for Software titles.
    People and Organisations - Any articles for companies and analysts and Apple CEO's.

    Special Categories

    MacRumors.com - Same as now.
    Forum Posts - Same as now, but this should be a special category.
    Uncategorised - Anything that doesn't fit in the above categories. Could possibly be renamed "Miscellaneous" or something.

    Finally a link to the Help:Contents article from the front page would be useful.

    Any thoughts? Anything major I've missed?


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