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  • Kebabselector
    Sep 25, 07:04 PM
    It's like Speed: 2. Props to the rail system for averting disaster though.

    Pity UB40 weren't on this runaway train - might have done us all a favour.

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  • kainjow
    Oct 16, 11:13 PM
    Wow that was cool. Great job hob! :D
    Agree. Well done.

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  • dan-o-mac
    Apr 5, 03:48 PM
    Or be a clever bean and take off the Gore options in easy mode. Or just put the option in for anymode. Adult and suck at it? Easy mode, tick Gore box. Child present? untick Gore box.

    Rail shooters are just twich/reaction based games. They could totally remove blood and the game would still work. Hell if this game is just Point Blank with a Resident Evil/Zombie theming then it would still work.

    :confused: Resident Evil 4 isn't a rail shooter.

    RE4 is one of my favorite games. I'm not sure I would buy it again just to use Wiimotes, they would have to add something extra.

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  • tpjunkie
    Dec 16, 02:58 PM
    In OS X you can literally control just about any aspect of the the operating system via terminal. I would argue that an expert *nix user has more "unrestricted control" over OS X than an expert windows user can have under XP.


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  • furcalchick
    Oct 25, 11:12 AM
    i'm shocked that there aren't that many macrumors members around here. im guessing this area only services lake o and the northern everglades.

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  • md63
    Mar 14, 12:21 PM
    I have an original iPad which is jail broken and has displayout installed. I picked up the new HDMI adapter from the Apple store and every app mirrors perfectly except for Netflix. With Netflix I get a red Netflix screen on my TV, however, the video only plays on the iPad.

    All other applications including Air Video, ABC player, and Videos installed through iTunes play on both screens.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 12, 10:05 AM
    Won't work with OS X at least.

    Compatible with Windows XP 32/64, Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64


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  • Erniecranks
    Apr 13, 01:43 PM
    Here is my code:

    > fp1c<-read.csv ('/Users/richardlerner/Desktop/feralpm1combo.csv', header=T)
    > attach(fp1c)

    And here is what got printed out:

    The following object(s) are masked from 'package:datasets':


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  • Lacero
    Sep 26, 02:13 AM
    coming from someone who listens to music almost constantly, i have to disagree. i have a 20+ GB library and i make playlists based on the entire library. in other words they wouldn't fit on a nano. i like hearing a mix of my favorites along with new stuff.
    All that music has gone to your head. :p

    Both Ipods serve different needs, so I am not going to elaborate into it since it's been written to death. For the OP, the nano is a big leap forward from his shuffle and I see portability is especially important to him. Yeah, yeah, some will argue the regular iPod is portable, but that argument is pretty lame when it's taken on a treadmill.

    Would that OP need more space in the future, sure, but that doesn't mean he'll need all the songs at his fingertips at once, unless he likes to have his pants drooped to his knees. 1000 songs will provide over 3 full days of music, thats 72 hours in geekspeak. And probably of that, 100-200 or so are songs he'll want to listen to more than once.

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  • 0.40 ct Diamond Wedding Ring

  • iGary
    Dec 9, 10:17 AM
    I find that a chilly day outside, like between 30 - 50 degrees Farenheit is the perfect temperature range for the G5 to comfortably heat up my small office. A really cold day, like below 20 degrees, is just too cold for it to keep up. Perhaps I need to upgrade to a quad.

    After cursing the G5 under my desk all summer long for giving me SLS (Sweaty Leg Syndrome), I now am reaping the full benefits of a G5. Kudos to Apple for thinking of us in these cold winter months by providing this great feature.

    Now, if I could just get that cup holder to stay put...

    Ditto. My office connects to an uninsulated storage closet and gets quite hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. My G5 feels especially nice when deflected against the wall toward me.


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  • GLS
    Apr 23, 09:38 PM
    Haha, luckily it wasn't independence day for him, since using a windows XP machine (I would presume) would cause a destruction of an alien mothership, and besides, how can you upload a virus to a ship the size of Jupiter in literally 60 seconds? You would need quantum-core infinite RAM with turbo powered processors, enough to power the sun.

    He used a Mac.


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  • ham_man
    Sep 17, 11:24 PM
    He took the Der-Der-Der joke and beat it too death. That was the only funny thing, and he killed it.

    And for the most part it is a Chappelle's Show wannabe, except with Mexican people and not black people...


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  • Set Diamond Ring Band w/

  • McGordon
    May 1, 02:21 AM
    I've not read any of those books but based on the description and table of contents, I'd say this one would be a good start:

    Objective C for Absolute Beginners

    It seems to cover the basics of programming in Objective-C without jumping straight into programming user interfaces. Apart from that, it seems very similar to this one:

    Apress: Mac Programming for Absolute Beginners

    Xcode should be all you'll need for now. If you get serious about getting your apps on the mac or iPhone app store you'll need to pay apple to join one of the developer programs. You can't test an iPhone app on a real iPhone without joining, though you can test on a simulator on your Mac.

    Starting programming for the Mac then moving to iOS would be good, but if your ultimate goal is to be an iPhone developer you could skip it. It's up to you really. Just get started and have fun!

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  • el-John-o
    Apr 8, 01:34 PM
    4.3.1 didn't bring much but 4.3 brought improvements on AirPlay, safar, added home sharing options, iPad sloder switch option, and added the hotspot feature.


    Well, it didn't add the hot spot feature for the iPad. But yeah, I'm gonna hold off, nothing really of interest.


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  • Herdfan
    May 6, 06:51 PM
    Yeah, I had a typo, but Hellhammer had what it "should be" for a good 16:10 Golden Ratio. :)

    Thanks for the replies. Looking forward to picking it up tomorrow. Both stores in the area I am going said they had the i7's available, so here is hoping they are still there at noon.

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  • Brand: Pompeii3. Mens Diamond

  • f4780y
    Apr 16, 07:59 PM
    Just thought I would say, I have retinapad 1.1.2 (the updated version for 4.3.1) and it works perfectly on 4.3.1. Even fixes the bugs in 1.1.1.
    So I would double check if I were you. It is neither dead nor broken as far as I can see.


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  • Tousiger
    Jan 7, 12:27 PM
    I'll be at the meetup AND very early in line :rolleyes:

    I'll probably have that black :apple: shirt of Mac OS X Retailers (saying "Tomorrow. Available today!")

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  • slooksterPSV
    May 31, 01:30 AM
    All of my favorite mac sites: (still there are more)

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  • wsteineker
    Oct 30, 02:19 PM
    You don't see it on Dell's website because it isn't there...YET. The article linked above clearly states that phone orders of some models are currently available with web sales to begin soon. It's called reading, folks. Top to bottom, left to right. Group of words makes a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps. :D

    Apr 12, 09:22 AM
    I don't see much of a similarity. It's branded as Windows, and you can tell by the ugly colours and UI treatments. Granted, to me it looks a lot more confusing than the App Store, but it's still a basic layout styled for Windows.

    The truth is, there aren't a whole lot of different ways to put content on a page and have it organized.

    Apr 23, 02:43 PM
    having lots of games running at once is awesome !

    Oct 26, 06:06 PM
    is there a lot of people? I think if I come now, it'll be too late.

    Feb 12, 10:39 PM
    I have this mouse and it is the absoltue best mouse I have ever owned or tried. Very smooth, use on a pad, off a pad, use it from 20 ft away on a hardwood floor (I have tried it!!)
    It has a rechargeable battery that lasts forever, is EXTREMELY comfortable in your hand and has a multitude of controls at your fingertips. (scroll wheel up and down as well as left and right, a button that works like the command+tab button feature, etc. All are programable via a system preference. Best of all, it was recognized as soon as I plugged it in.
    Can't say enough about it, well worth the $79.

    Me Too! Me Too! I've got one and it's super. Was using a Kensington Track pad but just couldn't get it's 4 buttons working correctly. Went back to the Apple "hockey puck" and boy was it painfull. Finally a mouse with lft/rt buttons; scroll wheel; and more. Feels great in the hand, BTW I'm right handed so can't comment bout lefties. LED's for battery are a very nice touch. Holds a charge for a long time. This mouse is soooooo coool. The only way they could make it better would be if it were BT. I wish, my G5 has BT. Considered the Logitech MX 900 but it doesn't specifically say that it supports OSX. MX 1000 does support OSX. Great mouse. The only other mouse I'm so enthusiastic about is the BenQ M310. It's a laptop mouse and I got it for my wife's iBook. Boy, this is another "slick" mouse. Highly recommend if you've got a laptop that doesn't have BT. If you've got a laptop and it has BT you might want to look at the RadTech BT 500. Cheers

    Feb 11, 11:46 PM
    Hi, I want to put some CD's that I purchased on my iTunes to put on my iPod. The only problem is that I am getting a new laptop soon, my BlackBook is dyeing.)))): Well, so far I have bought all my music on iTunes, but it's so expensive. I bought many CD's like I said, and I'm putting them on iTunes. When I plug the iPod into a new computer, it would ask me if I wanted to transfer my purchases. And everything that I bought would transfer. The songs that I got from other websites wouldn't transfer. But If I import the CD's through iTunes, will it still transfer to the new computer? Or do they have to be bought from iTunes?

    Thank You!

    If you have an external hard drive just move the files from one computer to another, it's pretty easy if you do it that way. If you don't have one, just use the program I used to use, Idump Pro, here's a link for the cnet download of that program. http://download.cnet.com/iDumpPro/3000-2141_4-10805181.html


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