Medium Wavy Cut

Medium Wavy Cut. Her Long Wavy blonde hairstyle
  • Her Long Wavy blonde hairstyle

  • snaky69
    May 4, 05:55 AM
    Hey guys. We know that the MB 2008 only adress 6GB RAM even the 8GB kit is installed (OWC wrote this) if more than 6GB memory is inserted then the machine would lag horribly

    I have the latest boot ROM version [MB51.007D.B03]

    Ya i haven't made any upgrades in a while.

    Someone told me this :

    so i ask question in this thread.

    so should i install 8GB (2x4GB's) on my MB 2008 Alu?

    Mac OS 10.6.7 2.0GHz 2GB stock RAM 160GB 5400RPM stock HDD

    6Gb will run just fine without any modification, I believe the 8Gb boot ROM thing only applies to the first unibodies from nor your early 2008 version.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Jennifer Lopez Long Wavy Cut
  • Jennifer Lopez Long Wavy Cut

  • bwawn
    Jul 12, 01:56 PM
    This is how I did it on my iBook about a year ago. However, you must be VERY careful with this method... it could screw up your system severely if not done correctly! For that reason, I recommend not doing this method if you're uncomfortable with the possible outcomes from the mistakes and waiting until someone posts an alternative way. However, if you ARE comfortable...

    Open up the Terminal.

    Type in the following:

    cd /
    sudo rm -rf "System Folder"

    Exactly like that, quotes and everything. You will be prompted for a password after entering the last line.

    This deletes everything, without question, from "System Folder" which is your Mac OS 9 folder. Making a slight mistake and entering rm -rf "System" will delete your entire OS X system folder! So once again, I advise being extremely careful with this method, and finding an alternative if you are uncomfortable with it.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Emma Watson Medium Wavy Cut
  • Emma Watson Medium Wavy Cut

  • Hellhammer
    Mar 16, 12:25 PM
    A friend told me I can't boot OSX from Raid. So would that mean I cannot install Lion on my HD if it is currently in the optibay where the superdrive used to be?

    You don't have any kind of RAID in your computer and your friend is wrong too. OS X should boot fine from the ODD bay, Windows not so well.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Lauren London Medium Wavy Cut
  • Lauren London Medium Wavy Cut

  • profets
    Mar 24, 01:30 PM
    No way I'm spending the night out with this cold :P Plus I'm working. I'll be heading there tomorrow at 12:30. Yeah, I think t should be fine, although I only want the 16GB White.

    Yeah, no way i'd line up overnight. Probably go tomorrow mid day to square one.


    Medium Wavy Cut. Long Wavy Cut Lookbook
  • Long Wavy Cut Lookbook

  • MmmPancakes
    Sep 26, 12:24 PM
    Yes. The Shuffle will indeed work as a jump drive between Windows and Mac boxes.

    I have a Mac at work, and a pc at home. I work as a PR writer, so I regularly use my 1 gig Shuffle to bridge the two computers: Word docs, Entourage/Outlook e-mail archives, etc. Never had a problem.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Jessica Alba Medium Wavy Cut
  • Jessica Alba Medium Wavy Cut

  • Counterfit
    Apr 5, 02:34 AM
    Yeah, that's a typo, I read the full article a awhile ago, and they were definitely G4's :)


    Medium Wavy Cut. medium wavy hairstyles
  • medium wavy hairstyles

  • SuperJudge
    Apr 3, 10:56 AM
    I bought an ATI cooler for my 7800GT. NV silencer 5 rev. 3.

    Here's my thread on it.

    This would be my recommendation to the OP. The 7800GT is a decent card and you've already got it, but the stock cooler could be a lot better.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook
  • Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook

  • djellison
    Jan 14, 02:26 PM
    A 720p Keynote. I'd pay a couple of quid for that.


    Medium Wavy Cut. Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook
  • Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook

  • i4k20c
    Dec 27, 04:18 PM
    hmm great.. 90% of the front page is about the ipod.. :rolleyes:

    Medium Wavy Cut. Rachel McAdams Medium Wavy Cut
  • Rachel McAdams Medium Wavy Cut

  • blackcatgifts
    Apr 5, 03:52 AM
    I need a program to start designing my website and need help with which is the best one to choose. I have been using ekm for it but it's too expensive for my needs as this is a hobby. I need to be able to design a website offline and just upload it when needed. I have virtually no budget to spend but don't mind paying a one off fee to get what I want just don't want to be paying every month. I need it to look classy and the big thing for it is I need to able to sell my items online through a shopping cart as I have alot of items at different weights and sizes etc and need to be able to set all this up quite easily. I've done many websites before just not using a mac but I haven't got loads of time to put into it unfortunately. Can anyone give me some suggestions of programs I can look at.


    Medium Wavy Cut. Jennifer Garner Medium Wavy
  • Jennifer Garner Medium Wavy

  • howesey
    Dec 6, 06:24 PM
    Easy fix.

    99% of times it is WM9. To prevent the plugin from loading go '/Library/Internet Plugins' and trash or move
    "Windows Media Plugin". I have created a folder called Disabled, I move it to there, and if I want it I move it back to the plugins directory.

    Medium Wavy Cut. medium wavy hair cut
  • medium wavy hair cut

  • SuperCachetes
    Feb 12, 11:45 AM
    The iPhone 4 was a failure at launch. The antenna is broken. It drops Internet connections and calls if held a certain. The glass claiming to be strong is weak sauce and the only good things on the phone are the cameras and screen.*
    Am I the only one who feels this way?

    Have you had trouble with your claws scratching the glass?


    Medium Wavy Cut. Parker Medium Wavy Cut
  • Parker Medium Wavy Cut

  • rpaloalto
    Sep 19, 08:37 PM
    I made the switch last year from windumbs, something I should have done years ago. I want to display my new feelings with some desktop photos. I have seen a few O SX vs. win themes, example there was one with the apple logo melting in to the win logo another one had the OS X logo standing on top of the msn butter fly. but for some reason now that I want theme I cant find em! if any one can give me a link to wear I mite find such images defacing the ms logos it would be appreciated

    Medium Wavy Cut. Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook
  • Medium Wavy Cut Lookbook

  • gguerini
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    I just installed the Intel 320 (120 GB) and I must say that I'm amazed.. No set-up besides the TRIMenabler patch

    I'm going to install my brand new Intel 320 (120GB) tonight. Should I "zero out" before I install the MacOS? Should I enable TRIM support??



    Medium Wavy Cut. Keira Knightley Medium Wavy
  • Keira Knightley Medium Wavy

  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Apr 3, 12:44 AM
    This thread is a good one to leave a snide comment in.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Medium Wavy Cut With
  • Medium Wavy Cut With

  • Satori
    Apr 15, 03:32 AM
    I'm trying to fix 5 year old Macbook for some one .The problem is hard-drive space used up but the person has very little pictures ,music and work on the computer.

    Some how only 7GB free of the 80GB hard-drive.

    There is a similar thread

    Thread never got resolved.

    well normally when I'm trying fix the same problem on PC running windows it is do to.

    1.Bad sector
    2.swap file /page file
    3.hidden OS system support files
    4.malware files to keep OS running and windows needs lots of files and I mean lots, lots and lots of files!!!

    But do not have that much experience here. What could the problem be.

    I would try emptying all of the caches first (I once reclaimed 50 gb doing this!). There are freeware tools such as Onyx that will do this for you.

    You could also use a tool like diskinventory to identify any large swap files that might be hanging around.


    Medium Wavy Cut. Gavin Rossdale Medium Wavy Cut
  • Gavin Rossdale Medium Wavy Cut

  • Rab Simpson
    Jul 21, 06:43 PM
    Well considering Apple makes real products and Google makes... .what do they make?

    it has nothing to do with products, this is to do with brand strength.

    Medium Wavy Cut. Long Wavy hair cut
  • Long Wavy hair cut

  • GGJstudios
    May 3, 02:22 PM
    What are some precautions I should take before selling my Air? Beyond wiping my SSD what else do I need to do to make sure my data is securely erased?
    If you wipe your SSD, that erases everything.

    Medium Wavy Cut. 02- Adriana Lima#39;s Medium Wavy
  • 02- Adriana Lima#39;s Medium Wavy

  • eRondeau
    Feb 9, 03:59 PM
    I wonder if there's a "law" (aka rule of thumb) that defines how far ahead "cutting edge" supercomputer processing speeds are, versus "typical" consumer systems and mobile devices. In other words, is today's fastest supercomputer 10,000X as fast as a current iMac, which in turn is 100X as fast as a typical iPhone. I think it would be very interesting to chart that graph historically -- to see that today's iPhone is perhaps twice as fast as the first CRAY-1, and roughly equivalent to a PowerMac G3. :apple:

    Jan 13, 01:42 AM
    Apple and several other companies began lobbying the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates use of the airwaves in the

    May 3, 03:20 PM
    Good things come to those patient enuff to wait. :apple:

    Mar 2, 10:57 PM
    Holy crap! Welcome back! Where the hell have you been, man? We missed you!

    EDIT- Oh, and thanks for the support. :)


    Been? Running around trying to get people to be a bit more . . . reasonable. Some successes, some failures.

    And you're welcome re support! I just wish it were not an issue . . .

    How has it been here? I think it was just short of 3 years.

    Oct 22, 12:42 PM
    Why wait in line...The Best buy in Citrus Park and the CompUSA in Brandon will both have Leopard without waiting. The will also have Apple Representatives on hand to answer questions.

    Nov 16, 04:31 PM
    PictureViewer can do it. ;)

    Edit: Sorry I mean Preview. For some reason I keep remembering the good old days of Mac OS 9.:p


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