bruno mars album

bruno mars album. Bruno Mars Debut Album
  • Bruno Mars Debut Album

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Oct 9, 10:37 PM
    Andy McKee. That man is a genius.

    bruno mars album. thefeb Bruno+mars+album
  • thefeb Bruno+mars+album

  • iserian
    Mar 11, 05:33 PM
    Are you sure that you aren't at the back of the line standing the wrong way? :confused:

    Lmao. I could read threads like this all day long.

    bruno mars album. The song features Bruno Mars.
  • The song features Bruno Mars.

  • iLucas
    Apr 25, 06:23 AM
    Hi guys!

    I'm considering buying either a MBA or a MBP 13'' in the future, and one of the toughest tasks I'd like to do with it would be running GarageBand or Logic Pro. Mainly, I'd be composing Jazz pieces (Piano, Bass, Percussion, Sax and Guitars, in any number of combinations), some solo piano pieces, and maybe some Game-music.

    I'd like to know if any of you has experience with the MBA 13'', and can tell me if it is powerful enough for this kind of task. While I would like the portability, I want my laptop to be my sole computer. I know the MBA can run all the other tasks I intend it to alright (Web Browsing, Video-watching, Chatting, Photoshop, PS2 and Nintendo DS Emulation). Music-creating is the only one still holding me back. ;)


    If you plan to use it as your sole computer, i would get a MBP. The MBP can be upgraded to 8gb of ram which will be plenty for you to use for years to come.

    bruno mars album. Bruno Mars Doo-Wops
  • Bruno Mars Doo-Wops

  • chrismacguy
    Oct 18, 08:05 AM
    Personally Id go to 7.6 as its basically Mac OS 8.0 without the stuff that made 8.0 slow - on 68K Machines either 7.6 or 7.1 are going to be the best systems (7.5.5 is actually pretty horrid, 7.6 is much better).


    bruno mars album. Bruno+mars+album+2011
  • Bruno+mars+album+2011

  • brosenz
    Apr 26, 08:37 PM
    After some research my top 3 sorted options are:

    1.- OCZ Vertex 2 120GB
    2.- Intel X25-M 120GB
    3.- Samsung 470 Series 128GB

    I will be using it as my boot drive for Mac OS X 10.6.7, any suggestion which one would be the best option for speed ?, thanks

    bruno mars album. Bruno+mars+album+art
  • Bruno+mars+album+art

  • KillersKiss
    Jan 25, 10:34 AM
    That was fast. Thanks. I'll give it a try.


    bruno mars album. Mp,runo mars
  • Mp,runo mars

  • infernohellion
    Mar 13, 09:34 PM
    Very interesting..

    "Dropbox" -vs- "Drop Box"

    bruno mars album. Grenade+runo+mars+album+
  • Grenade+runo+mars+album+

  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 24, 12:54 PM
    How big do you wanna go?

    (If you can deal with the ugly :p) the Dell 2005 FPW may be the way to go. 20" LCD.
    It's around $500, so you could get your dual-monitor on, or get one for yourself and one for me, too. :)


    bruno mars album. Grenade by Bruno Mars album
  • Grenade by Bruno Mars album

  • yippy
    Nov 3, 07:40 PM
    I am looking to share some photos and get a blog online and I can't decide what the best way to do this would be. I appolagize for the long post but I am trying to be thorough in giving you my thinking my thinking. I'll try to be organized to make up for it.

    Next year I am going to be studying abroad in Europe for two semesters and would like to tell people back home in the states how things are going. I have minimal html/webpage experience, limited time to learn stuff and mess around with it and and money is tight. I have also never done any blogging before and am very unlikely to make good use of it.

    Usage/what I am looking for:
    1)A simple blog to tell family and friends (that includes you guys if you want) how things are going and about any adventures I might have.

    2)Host a couple hundred pictures, organized in albums, for people to look at and have them available to download at full resolution, taken with a 5mp camera. My mom is big on pictures so this is mostly for her, she also likes to print them which is why they need to be full rez.

    3) Easy to navigate. The audience for this will be several computer illiterite people and some on 56k modems so posted pictures need to be thumbnails with links to the originals.

    4) Easy to deploy. I have a full coursload at school, a job and something resembling a social life so I I don't have hours to update it (initial settup can be slow as I don't need it up an running for a month or two).

    5) CHEAP, in fact free unless I think there is no possible other way.

    My options: These are the possiblities that I have been considering.

    1) The ultimate solution would be something like as it has photo hosting/printing/linking and a journal all on one website with an easy interface. However it costs $50 a year and that is more than I can afford.

    2)Get things from separate places. Get a blog like blogger ( and find someplace to host pictures, maybe one of those online printing places like Snapfish so that I get unlimited free storage.

    3) Make my own website. Here I have two sub options.
    a) I have 100Mb of non scriptable webspace on a webdav server through my university that I could use. Picture storage would be limited but that might be ok.

    b) I have a Digital Audio G4 tower running Panther that I currently use as a printserver. I could easily demilitarize it on our router and use something like no-ip to access it. Pros being unlimited completely customizeable space, cons being it is more work and I will not have physical access to it when over seas so if something goes wrong it will be vary hard to fix because I would have to talk one of my family trough fixing it.

    The ability to download in full rez is probably the least important as I can find other ways of getting those to my mom.

    So, what would you do in my situation, remember time and money are the deciding factors here, don't have much of either. Any feedback is greatly appriciated.

    bruno mars album. In This Photo: Bruno Mars
  • In This Photo: Bruno Mars

  • RobertD33
    Jul 9, 02:35 PM


    bruno mars album. album, runo mars this
  • album, runo mars this

  • Over Achiever
    Sep 30, 08:14 AM
    Interesting...the first pic like arn said was already discussed. As for the second pic...maybe the ti will get a radeon 9000. Will it be 32 MB or 64 MB...i'm hopin' 64 MB. Depends on whether the next update is october or beyond...

    bruno mars album. Bruno Mars#39; debut album
  • Bruno Mars#39; debut album

  • MacRumors
    Dec 10, 02:22 PM (

    Apple today announced ( that it has rolled out support for six new languages and their corresponding localized App Stores for developers using iTunes Connect to submit their iPhone applications.With over 50 million users of iPhone and iPod touch in 81 countries around the world, it's more important than ever to make your app available in a user's language of choice. You can, and should, create localized versions of your app for each market you sell to. In iTunes Connect, you can customize your app's metadata, keywords and screenshots for each localized version.The newly-supported languages include:

    - Brazilian Portuguese: Brazil App Store
    - Korean: Korea App Store
    - Portuguese: Portugal App Store
    - Russian: Russia App Store
    - Simplified Chinese: China App Store
    - Swedish: Sweden App Store

    A lack of localization for applications and their instructions have been cited among the many challenges ( faced by the App Store in China.

    Article Link: Apple Makes New Language Localization Options Available to App Store Developers (


    bruno mars album. Bruno Mars Doo - Wops
  • Bruno Mars Doo - Wops

  • Nri1
    Sep 20, 10:28 PM
    Props to Richard Noll for sending it in. We need more people like that in this world.

    bruno mars album. Bruno+mars+album+2011
  • Bruno+mars+album+2011

  • sparkyms
    May 1, 01:56 PM
    I don't think there any any improvements. I can make the issue happen at will. It never drops to 'no service' but always drops bars. Not really an issue to me, but I wouldn't be hopeful in getting a 'fixed' iP4.


    bruno mars album. cartoon, Talking
  • cartoon, Talking

  • decksnap
    Aug 16, 11:06 AM
    An experiment with my digicam, Photoshop, and Flash. Not as interesting as my other one I guess.

    bruno mars album. 01 Bruno Mars - Grenade
  • 01 Bruno Mars - Grenade

  • rushad0
    May 5, 11:49 AM
    thank you guys for the replies.

    i have been researching and these are the steps i plan on taking. please let me know if they seem reasonable for my particular phone.

    Step 1:
    jailbreak on 4.3.2 using ----- ------------


    Step 2:
    unlock on 4.3.2 using----------------------


    If you guys have any experience with sn0wbreeze 2.6, please share.


    bruno mars album. Bruno+mars+album+cover+of+
  • Bruno+mars+album+cover+of+

  • shadowfax
    Sep 21, 11:53 PM
    wild... how come they don't put 10.2 on the powerbooks they are selling now?

    bruno mars album. Bruno+mars+album+cover+
  • Bruno+mars+album+cover+

  • macrumorsuser10
    Apr 17, 05:52 PM
    I just bought a new MacBook Air Ultimate, and it seems to wobble a bit. The wobbling seems to occur when the lid is fully up because the front left foot pad does not make any contact with the surface of my glass desk. What can I do about this wobble? Is it a problem with the foot pad or the entire body?

    Can the guys at the Genius Bar fix this, or should I exchange it?


    bruno mars album. talking dog food, Talking
  • talking dog food, Talking

  • brad.c
    Jan 14, 08:48 AM
    I don't know what I'll do--wait for the video stream, or watch the text feed feed. I do miss the days of the live stream, when you were forced to let the suspense mount in real-time. But trying to recreate that suspense during the dry iTunes-market-share-pie-chart extravaganza just may force me to hit the FF button. And muck it up somehow.

    Besides, it's not the same when it's live, and you know you are finding out at the same time as everybody else.

    Sep 8, 05:29 PM (

    Category: Tips and How To's
    Link: Type the Apple  symbol on your iPhone � revisited (
    Description:: none

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug

    Oct 17, 07:05 AM
    I had a Cube with a 15" Apple Studio LCD. You must upgrade to OS 9.2 if haven't yet. In the Energy Saver Control Panel there is now an option for disabling the button on the Cube. I forget what it's called exactly but you'll see it. You'll then have to turn the machine on and off with the monitor. This should work fine. They actually added this feature because of the problem between the Cube and the LCDs. Sorry if that's not the fix you need.

    May 5, 08:14 PM
    Do other hard drives (even your internal hard drive) show up on your desktop?

    Yes, the MBPro drive works, and I have another ext. drive and that runs as well.

    May 7, 03:03 AM
    One thing that bugs me about the illegal tethering situation:

    If AT&T knows who is illegally tethering, why do they allow it to happen? Why not simply prevent tethering packets from reaching the Internet?

    AT&T obviously can differentiate between data to the YouTube app and data through MyWi because they meter legal tethering to 4Gb limit.

    Is it just a big tease? And why not simply back charge everyone who used MyWi/PdaNet in the past?

    When I talked to the AT&T rep, she said I had tethered illegally. But she could not tell me the specific times I had tethered. Lame.

    AT&T would want a "solution" that is legal and makes them money. The best outcome for them if someone is tethering without permission is to telll the person, who then changes to a plan that allows tethering, paying money every month. If it works that way, perfect for AT&T: It is legal, and it makes money.

    Backcharging would be a _huge_ legal problem. There is no contract that allows them to charge for tethering. They would have to take people to court. Which is expensive and really pisses them off, so they wouldn't be customers in the future. AT&T would rather you pay for phone and tethering for the next ten years, rather than backcharging you for the last year and losing you.

    Preventing tethering is difficult as well. Right now they might know enough to send you a letter, and if you get one of those without ever having tethered you just tell them. Their recognition doesn't need to be perfect. If they try to cut tethering off, they have to be one hundred percent sure (not 99.999% sure) that they don't cut off anything that isn't tethering. Again, they will lose customers otherwise. And of course they don't make money doing this.

    When you called it "lame" that the rep didn't know any exact times: Why would they? First step is identifying customers who are likely tethering and sending them a letter. You either sign up to tethering or you don't. If you don't, they can then watch your connection a lot, lot more closely. That is the point where it costs them money, and if you are tethering, it may cost you money. Your legal position has become a lot worse if you lied to them about not tethering and they can prove it, because then it isn't breach of contract anymore, it is suddenly fraud. A real crime.

    Because they are using the illegal tethering issue to force people off grandfathered unlimited data plans. And to collect the legal tethering fees. You just put a block on there and they've got no leverage.

    Depends on how hard they try. So if AT&T asks you (politely) to sign up for tethering, what can you do? You can say "Oh, I didn't know that wasn't allowed, sign me up". Good for AT&T. You can say "Oh, I didn't know that wasn't allowed, I'll stop tethering". Kind of good for AT&T. You can say "I've never tethered", and if that is the truth, nothing they can do. You can say "I'm tethering, but I'm not going to pay" and they can cancel your contract for cause, which is likely bad for you. You can lie "I've never tethered" in which case you may be in _real_ trouble if they follow it up and can prove you are tethering.

    Jun 3, 05:38 PM
    Was this purchased brand new, or from the Apple Refurb Store?

    And can an iPhone work without any cell phone service or sim (basically iPod with Wi-Fi)?


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